My Head Hurts
So I did go out last night at about 2240 by the time we got to the Caleche. Ali and Lee were already there and looked somewhat disgruntled that we’d all turned up and spoiled their romantic evening but what the heck. After a few Mojitos: cheers Fausto: those of us who are hardcore went on to the Club de Jazz and had a few more, those being Naomi, Richard and a guest whose name we didn’t know. I lost count after about five but I think I had double figures of cocktails. The Band, as usual, were pretty good and by the end of it we were well ratted and boogying on down in the middle of the dance floor, which I might add for those of you who haven’t been yet, is about twenty five square feet. Thankfully the guest bought most of our drinks. Except for the first round which Chardi (Richard) got in. Naomi and Rich started to make out in the corner so I just danced with the guest, whose name I still hadn’t figured out.
I got back to the chalet and it was snowing hard, very hard. As the kind of drunk I am I got the shovel out and started salting the path and steps and balcony as I was told we were getting a lot. I guess I knew that I shouldn’t be putting salt on the concrete because apparently it wrecks it but at 0345 in the morning after approximately 100 euros of booze it seemed like a good idea. Now I heard Adam got up and was a bit angry that I’d done it so I’m going to have to find him and apologise.
I never actually finished the job as the remaining three partiers arrived back and Naomi collapsed in the snow. I think I abandoned the spade and went to help. Eventually I got to bed at some time but I don’t remember much about it.
I awoke at some time around 1130 with a banging headache and a mouth like a desert. I couldn’t get out of bed because I was so dizzy so I lay there for a while until Beccy brought me some neurofen and that sorted me after another hour or so in bed. We caught the 1430 bus up and met Garry and Rich up there who informed us that Na was still in bed. I wished I was too.
So my skiing was a bit better, Rich and I were practicing short radius all afternoon and Beccy got a few reds under her belt. She also perfected the high-speed-backwards-upside-down-spin-flip-skis-in-the-air which prompted a round of applause from the bubbles swooping overhead!
Now we’re back and we’re going to go out to the Brasserie Centrale. See you there!
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