Tuesday, June 27, 2006


So today we've been beasted and I've got to go to Swanwick for a visit in about 3 minutes. Basically we've had teams of 6 doing tasks. We did 1 leaderless ex and from then on we've had leaders, although not me yet... Some great exercises which I remember from cadets so the solutions have been quite free flowing from myself. I think the trainers are all ex-RAF so I've got a little insight, although they're not quite as technical nor disceptive. We've done good though. Succeeded in all our tasks including one called "hot bed" which is where you have a bucket of "Toxic Chemical" which you can't go near and you have to lift it out of a cordon and into a "neutralising bucket". We managed it swiftly and effectively and I love this sort of thing!
Anyway must dash I'm going to Swanwick in a second.


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