Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A Bit Rough

No I'm not feeling very well this morning. Mainly because of a combination of last night's beer etc and this morning's sore throat which has been coming on for a while really.
So I missed a call from my pastoral carer, if you can call him that. You see there's been a bit of a problem at work because of the failures yesterday. One of the guys was supposed to be meeting and greeting the new kids at the management centre (you remember back in late June/July). Anyway, Graham; the person who organises events like these, called me to ask if I would go and talk to the new guys. So I agreed in a very croaky voice.
Anyway I'm just going to leave you with a nice self portrait of a man on a space walk. (Caution; if you click on the picture it is very large!)


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