Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Broken Sword

Today I'm feeling even more ill than yesterday, admittedly the hang-over has passed but I have now definately got a cold. So I slept in. When I arose at about 11 o'clock a game had arrived which I did order from t'internet (more precisely So I've been busy playing that. "Broken Sword: Angel of Death" is a point and click adventure puzzle. It's the fourth of the series but I haven't played any others. You play a character, called George, who is an ex-expert in his field and is approached by a character in need of help. It's a bit like being in the Da Vinci code etc but actually solving the puzzles yourself. I would highly reccomend it to anyone with a puzzle loving mind! Any ways, must get back to it. I'll leave you with a screenshot:


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