Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Daily Interesting Stuff (19-Sep-06)

Ok today check this out!! Right it is work related so if ATC bores you just ignore... But I was watching it for yonks today and am still pretty excited about it. It is a stylised version of ATC radar output. It doesn't look like this on the radar screen. The aircraft fly around talking to JFK approach, check out the vectoring. This is what I'm learning. There is a key and if you click on the aircraft you will see the data. Most interesting is the height and the departure / destination. During busy periods this is what the Area advanced sims look like traffic level wise.
N.B. check out La Guardia (about 15 miles NW of JFK) departures and how they avoid inbound traffic. Also the stack is over to the East and they use a Standard arrival Route (STAR) to get down to approach where near the end (West Islip) the approach controller vectors them. They've got some great techniques but good to see how they make a plan.
Have a look anyway. It's not quite as hard on our simulators (I'm only starting).


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