Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Oral Boards

I have to admit my job is incredible. I mean it really really is. But you've got to want to do it so much. Throughout my career I will be assessed for competency. Every day as it happens. When I make validation a small computer widget will monitor every angle and decision I make. When I detects an error it could spell the end of my whole career in Air Traffic whether life threatening or not. I have to say that it scares me, but who would it not?
Aside from "the snitch" or STCA as it is known every year or so I will have to pass an oral exam. These are designed not to test what, or how (those things can be tested in a simulator or a written test) but why. Understanding. I had my first taster today. That was just it, a taster. It doesn't count (much) now but in the future my license will be on the line. Every thing I have learnt from lectures is pulled together into 30 minutes and the questions are very open following no strict script and picking up those things I do and don't know. To pass one must achieve a satisfactory level of knowledge and understanding in ALL of the topics covered. It's a tough call as literally everything must be answered correctly. Saying "I don't know" will almost certainly constitute unsatisfactory "what would you do if you saw a 0033 squawk, why can't you allocate a squawk 7890? When must an aircraft carry a transponder?"
I failed. The last question above I couldn't answer. I knew at that point what the outcome would be. I knew that the answer was in Schedule 5 of the Air Navigation Order as Amended 2005. But I could not say. I am a little frustrated tonight. But I have to look forward to the real task in hand; passing the summative exercises (the simulator exams) they start on friday.


At September 14, 2006 6:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with the summatives Maverick. I'm sure the pax would prefer a small orbit to a prox!!

At September 14, 2006 6:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At last some more daily musings! Very interesting thankyou.

At September 15, 2006 7:53 AM, Blogger Simon said...

Thank you all for commenting. I'll try not to orbit inbounds and I'll let you know how todays goes.


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