Friday, January 26, 2007

Squash, and Simulator pictures.

Didn't have much to blog yesterday. Played squash at the gym with a few guys from work: Matt, Simon and Gareth. I was pretty tired after that and was finding it pretty difficult to concentrate on my work because I was falling asleep. Mind you it can get quite boring.

So today more Simulators, in fact it's been simulators all week pretty much, except for Tuesday which was course induction. I have finally remembered to take some photos of the sim room, so here they are:
Looking down the bank from the feed end. The mascot sits above surveying the consoles and generally watching the trainees.
The bank is arranged into pairs of consoles, and a feed position of which only one is just visible at the left of the picture. The 3 positions constitute one simulator normally manned by 6 trainees, 3 input staff and 2 instructors.
Preparing to start a run. In this phase of training only one of the two consoles and the feed position is manned. At the far end of the shot is Mark, an instructor, who is sat with Rob. In front of Rob is John, for whom I was feeding just minutes after the picture was taken.
The run has now started. Gareth is controlling on "Sim 1" nearest to the camera. The hand and the strips in the immediate foreground are Matt's who is feeding for "Sim 3" at the very far end of the bank. You can clearly see his ADIS screen in the top left hand corner of the picture. Below that the glowing green panel are the phone lines and the black panel beyond that slighty is the ADIS control pad.
Working hard on the feed is Rich in the foreground and Simon W to his right. Donna is sat leisurely behind them both. One can see Rich and Simon's FPS (flight progress strips) in front of them both. When working feed each strip will represent an aircraft but normally one aircraft will be represented by a strip at each of the conflict points in the sector through which the aircraft passes. This means there may be up to 3 strips for just one aircraft. The strips are kept for 30 days operationally (not in the college:- at a unit) and are legally binding documents.
This run is in full swing, everyone working together and most of all having fun!
Shots taken with my mobile phone


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