Yes panic indeed! One of the most amusing games I have ever had the pleasure of playing. It had me in fits of laughter. Especially hilarious are the comments and exclamations the small stick man shouts during the raining of tangerines. My best score is 186. Elsewhere I have been working and I recently passed my written exam with 92%. In fact I only failed on one question which is about squawk codes, I forgot what 0023, 0033 and 0037 were. The simulator has been going very well although I nearly punched my colleague today as he was stiching me up royally and whinging about it. Then he was refusing to talk to me during a priority situation and it was all going wrong. But it was alright in the end and I battled on through. Lesson learnt let's say.Meanwhile back at the ranch, Lost is getting berry berry exciting. I have been watching it at a friend's house when possible (as it is only on Sky TV of course) and I have managed to persuade Beccy to start watching it. She has nearly got to the end of the second series already. It's only a matter of time before she's caught up.
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