Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Test a success, West a mess

Yes this pretty much sums up my day. I got a good mark for my progress test but the simulator run went very very badly indeed. I just didn't have the picture. Must try harder! I'm not feeling great about it at the moment. I've started to notice my colleagues have become very distrustful of my abilities and are no longer helping me out really.
Anyway last night Matt and Brian came over to watch an episode of Lost and we then played Go For Broke a brilliant game in which one must lose all their cash to win (kind of the opposite of monopoly) by gambling, betting and prospecting on shares. It would have worked but we were all a bit too lucky, especially Matt who's horse came in every time!


At March 06, 2007 7:11 PM, Blogger Simon said...

OK this is really annoying. The justification alignment of the first line just isn't working and I don't know why! ARGHH!


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