Monday, August 06, 2007

July - The Rainy Season

So we're told when we do GCSE geography that areas in the tropics have long spells where it rains frequently and heavily. Perhaps this should be extended to the British Isles as well.
So I'm not dead in case you're wondering. Actually I've been battling with BT to get a landline fitted so we can get the internet but I've had no joy. That's my reason why I haven't blogged or a while (as you can see). I think it's a valid one, perhaps though I could've gone to an internet cafe. But that's supremely expensive so I'm now at Matthew's and I'm explaining how to blog etc. Fingers crossed he takes it up as a hobby. I've been trying to get him into it as he has a lot of funny things to say. So to try and demonstrate some functions that I've been experimenting with wo here's some photos of St Kitts from aaaages ago which I've been meaning to post. So here they are:


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