Wednesday, March 19, 2008

NMI Parity Error!?

We've been having this problem with the Laptop more recently which has caused it to critically stop with a blue screen "NMI Parity Error." So it usually happens twice a day but today a breakthrough! Turns out it is the wireless card causing the problem. On closer inspection it appears as though the card has been physically damaged and I guess this would do it. A slight nudge, maybe some shorted wires and a parity error. Still, I've no actual idea what this means but it's fixed now. Well it's not fixed but I've found the problem. So for now we're back to the nineties way, hooray for Ethernet, long may it be the most reliable method of connecting two computers. In fact it pretty much is, and it's still much much quicker than WiFi. Ah, I remember the day I got my first Ethernet card (PCMCIA) and Ethernet crossover cable. What a revolution from the good old days of Null Modem... Ah. I leave you reminiscent.


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