Thursday, February 28, 2008

Still Hoovering

Yep they're still at it: driving me up the wall with their incessant hoovering. I'm sure it's some sort of suction device because it makes a noise which gets louder in intensity and the pitch changes, you know like when you use the elephant nozzle attachment and suck too close to the skirting board. Like that. Still going crazy here.

Server's Back In Business

Yep, I think it's back. Phew...
In other news the building site a short distance away from our flat sounds as though it has a big hoover and they spend everyday 0800 to 1630 hoovering (with a 30 min lunch break). It's really loud and has rudely been disturbing my lie ins (which I deserve of course). I'm in two minds to go over there and see what they've been hoovering for three days but it's probably some important piece of equipment. I just hope it isn't part of the building and they take it with them when they go. It's getting right on my nerves!

What's Wrong with the Server?

So if you're reading this congratulations and apologies because I think there's something wrong with the server... perhaps there isn't. If you are or were have trouble loading the page let me know: leave a comment. Let me just say this, I am trying to work out why it's not working fully as it is being rather slow but it's not in my control really. Sorry.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Well did you feel it? At 0057 this morning I was shaken. I was actually frightened for my life a bit because I was sat on the sofa, minding my own business when an earthquake hit!! The whole room started to sway from side to side, slowly at first but gradually increasing in intensity until it then felt like the whole building dropped vertically, just a millimetre, but everything in the cupboards jumped on their shelves and it made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. I've never felt an earthquake before now. I remember when I was at school in my second year geography class learning about them; I always imagined what it would feel like when the ground moves beneath you. Something so wholly immovable and solid as we find it, moving around, shifting, rippling like a liquid.
Well it wasn't all that bad but I was really scared. I ran to the bedroom and woke Beccy up as I wasn't sure what it was at first. Well I mean I knew what it was straight away in hindsight but I was sat here on the sofa thinking that feels like an earthquake: but I don't know what an earthquake feels like. Perhaps it is the building falling down: but I don't know what that feels like either. Turns out half an hour later the news is reporting it and I was right. 4.7 on the richter scale! That's pretty bad for the UK as it is an "aseismic area".
Anyways I'm still waiting for the after shock(s) but who knows maybe they'll be worse that the first one... If you don't believe me check this out, and for more scientific proof look at this screen shot of the seismic monitor!

image sourced from the IRIS Seismic Monitor.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

A Conundrum To Ponder

So back in the grammar school days I was entered into the Maths Challenges, a competition for budding young mathematicians. Those who passed the grade were selected for national finals and then have the opportunity to represent the UK internationally. So a friend of mine; Sam, reminded me of this as he's been having a boring time at work so he googled a question he remembered and proceeded to spend the rest of the day answering past paper questions. So I challenge you do get your logic head on and figure this one out:
The Queen of Hearts had some tarts, but they were eaten. Precisely one of the following statements about the tarts and the Knaves of Clubs, Diamonds and Spades is true. Which one?
  1. None of the three Knaves ate any tarts,
  2. the Knave of Clubs ate some tarts,
  3. only one of the three Knaves ate any tarts,
  4. at least one of the Knave of Diamonds and the Knave of Spades ate no tarts,
  5. more than one of the three Knaves ate some tarts.
Hint: use the fact that one and only one of the statements is true.
By the way I can't figure this one out so if you can leave a comment with the answer. Also if you're still bored get more questions (of a more mathsy nature) here and/or here.

Friday, February 22, 2008

The Pope Joke

So the jokes are coming thick and fast eh? Yes they are so here goes:
The Pope arrives into New York, New York. He waves at the crowd and battles his way to the car that's arrived to collect him. The chauffeur jumps from the beautiful Bugati Veyron sent to collect him.
"Your holiness please be seated and comfortable"
"My child," replies the pope. "This is a stunning machine let me drive."
"Your holiness I would love to but I couldn't..."
"Nonsense, I live in Italy; driving sports cars is not hobby but a way of life."
Defeated, and hugely out ranked, the chauffeur obliges and the Pope jumps behind the wheel.
Although a careful driver it is clear that during a clear stretch the pope just wants to floor the car and see how fast he can go.
Needless to say after a few minutes of going flat out attention is attracted and especially that of the local police. The blues and twos start up and the typical American cop gets out of his cruiser and strolls to the door, the chauffeur cringing in his chair.
The pope winds down the window and the cop is taken aback at the view before him. "God bless you my child," gestures the Pope.
Somewhat scared the cop feebly squawks "Don't go anywhere please, sir" and runs back to his bike.
He gets on the radio to his sheriff.
"What is it now rookie?" the sheriff enquires annoyedly.
"I think I've made a big mistake and stopped someone really important for speeding."
"Tell me it's not the mayor because I've.."
"No it's not the mayor, he's more important than that!"
"Not Senator Johnson, please tell me not him."
"No, of course not sir he's more important than that!"
"More important than... boy you've not stopped the big one, tell me it ain't the president."
"No I can't believe it either," the rookie shakily admits; "he's more important than that."
"More important than the president: there's nobody. Who is it?" the sheriff sounding a bit more relieved now.
"Sir I think I've stopped God!" the cop finally reveals.
"God!? Oh you daft boy you are going to feel my wrath when you get back to the station. Just book him and get back here."
"No no no," cries the rookie, "you don't understand. He has the Pope as a chauffeur!"


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Be Kind Rewind

Today I went to see Be Kind Rewind (see poster below). Jerry (Jack Black) becomes magnetised accidentally and so visits his friend Mike (Mos Def) who is looking after "Be Kind Rewind" a declining video rental store and subsequently erases all of the VHS tapes. When customers arrive to rent the movies the only option left is to re-make them starring themselves using an old VHS camcorder and cheap special effects.
Initially this premise sounds a bit odd and wacky but it is an original story line with a serious side. I think this is the only film I've been to see at the pictures when I've laughed out loud as it really is that funny. And it wasn't just Sam and I, it had the whole audience going, something which I've never seen. If you like Jack Black you'll love this film. If you like some silly comedy you'll also enjoy it. My recommendation, well worth a look!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Two Blind Pilots

So I've heard this one before but I think its funny so here goes:
Two blind pilots both are wearing dark glasses, one is using a guide dog, and the other is tapping his way along the aisle with a cane.
Nervous laughter spreads through the cabin, but the men enter the cockpit, the door closes, and the engines start up.
The passengers begin glancing nervously around, searching for some sign that this is just a little practical joke.
None is forthcoming.
The plane moves faster and faster down the runway and the people sitting in the window seats realize they're headed straight for the water at the edge of the runway.
As it begins to look as though the plane will plough into the water, panicked screams fill the cabin.
At that moment, the plane lifts smoothly into the air. The passengers relax and laugh a little sheepishly, and soon all retreat into their magazines, secure in the knowledge that the plane is in good hands.
In the cockpit, one of the blind pilots turns to the other and says, "Ya know, Bob, one of these days, they're gonna scream too late and we're all gonna die."


Sunday, February 10, 2008


I've been on holiday to Megève, in Haute Savoie, France. I went with my Dad and his friend Cathy, who you will see in some of these pictures. We had a great week, the weather was very varied but the snow was pretty good all week. Dad had arranged a great flat by the Rochebrune Cable Car, right by the piste, it was superb. I've taken some picture of the inside of the flat. I've also taken some pictures of the village and on the piste too, mainly from the cafes to be fair... Well enjoy them and if you were there please do send me yours.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Congratulations In Order

To my lovely girlfriend who has been successful in an interview for a more senior role. In fact one could say that it's a promotion. So it's not that simple... yes we've had some champers but Beccy's now on the list which means that if there's a position available then she's in it. I don't mean to take the wind from her sails as she's done fabulously to get on the list.
In other news I'm away skiing this week so expect blogs few and far between (what's new eh?).