Monday, 31 March 2008

The First Day

Well there are many things to do on the plot, it's true. The first of which is to remove the annual weed which has taken a small foothold on the front few yards and is positively entrenched on the rear half of the plot (see pictures). So battle commenced today and I brought back up in the shape of Harko. His gardening skills were most helpful and we made some headway. Thankfully it seems the front 8 feet were used six months ago but the back half hasn't been used for what looks like a few years. I think the front we'll just turn the top spit, but the rear needs properly digging over. The drainage reflects this really, the back of the plot isn't water logged but the soil needs aerating and turning. The front is fine so it is here that we'll get started and create the first beds. The back we will develop slowly.


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