Thursday, 17 April 2008


Well, we have had our first growth. The radishes are breaking through, as are the onions and the garlic. It was a very exciting evening down on the farm, as we realised just how much new growth we have had. We also planted the potatoes, which have been gently chitting on our windowsill. (On that note, thank you for all the amusing comments about chitting. Unfortunately, there isn't a joke you can think of that we haven't already cracked. But don't let that stop the rum-fuelled efforts, DAD.)
We have celebrated the breakthroughs this evening with wine, which was also partly due to my nearly being at the end of my very good first week in my new job, and the start of the celebrations for Lizzie's wedding (which we are very excited about). We are planning another trip to Barton Grange on Sunday, partly because we need a few bits and pieces, partly because I love it and partly because they do excellent scones. And Si hasn't been.
So I leave you on a very positive note. There is new growth, and the home-grown plants are exploding! Si will be uploading the photos tonight, there are some technical hitches but I am assured they are on the way.
Si is now making noises about making our own bread, Soon, we won't even need to leave our own flat. (As long as we can survive on cucumbers, tomatoes, chillis and bread. Oh, and well-chitted potatoes).
Grow strong my children, grow strong,
B x


At 18 April 2008 09:19 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's like living in an episode of The Archers. Keep up the good work!

Mags x

At 20 April 2008 19:28 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Tom and Barbara. We are so pleased that life is so good (geddit) All the best from Gerry and Margot next door.


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