Saturday, 3 May 2008

Potato Growth

Went down to the plot today after work, I was wearing my work clothes but I was only going to water around. Being a saturday the allotment was teaming with activity and there were plenty of people popping over to see how we're getting on. So far they've all been very complimentary and a few have already admired the new greenhouse. Most though look at our lettuces with hungry eyes, and one today even suggested eating them even though they're babies! Well maybe some of the red lettuce, but the butterheads have yet to come on fully. So whilst I was watering I found that the potatoes are breaking through!!! Brilliant. I was a bit worried about them because so far there was no movement and they've been in the ground for nearly 2 weeks, but they're coming through strong now, and they seem quite thirsty.

Sorry though that the plot cams have stopped coming through but my phone, the usual piece of equipment, has broken. It's gone to the big phoney place in the sky. This will be rectified eventually but until a suitable alternative makes itself known you'll just have to use your imagination.

In further news the Northern Moor Gardening Society is having an AGM a week tomorrow and we've been invited, as members, watch this space for exciting news.


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