General updates
The blogs are getting a bit less frequent, as a lot has settled down on the front patch now, so it would mainly be lists of things we have eaten, which I think would get a bit tedious after a while. In brief, we have eaten truly astonishing amounts of lettuce, the cucumberiest tasting cucumbers we have ever had, many radishes and some extremely peppery rocket (it takes about 5 seconds to kick in, and then blows your head off).
In other news, we are waiting for the potatoes and tomatoes to be ready, and in the slightly longer term, still awaiting beetroot, spring onions and normal onions. We are also turning our attention to the back section, but we've had a lot of rain recently, so the digging has been a bit of a non-starter. We are also doing very well on the flower front, with nearly everything in bloom.
One of the most exciting recent events was the arrival of a bench. We now have somewhere to sit and something to balance our sandwiches on, which is very useful. We also have an excellent plastic box, which we can keep nearly everything in/ This means we have reclaimed the en suite (which was temporarily a shed) and most of the car boot.
Due the all the rain, which was usually accompanied by a lot of sun, everything has gone a bit insane. The mint is a small production factory all on its own, and we are now very pleased we listened to all the people who told us to plant it in the ground in pots to keep it under control. We ended up buying quite a lot of mint, as a lot of our plants looked like they were going to die at one point or other, but it turns out they are surprisingly robust and recovered pretty quickly. Mojito, anyone?
The greenhouse plants also enjoyed the sun. The cucumber reaches the roof and the tomatoes are not far behind, and have started to fruit. The chilli is in full bloom and will hopefully begin giving us chillis fairly soon.
Lots of photos to follow, including Si getting artistic with the camera, so expect lots of close ups of potatoes and the like.
Staying in this weekend as I think the rain will be taking care of the allotment for us...
B x
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