Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Darling, do we have a first aid kit?

Back down to the plot after quite a few weeks away, during which the plot had flooded, then drained, then flooded and drained again. After much to take care of on the home front (finding a new flat, validating as an air traffic controller, having surprise parties, various weddings etc.) we have managed to get down to start the winter clear up. We were lucky enough to eventually find a day when we were both free and the sun was shining (ish). There was a huge amount of digging to be done. We pulled up all the remaining vegetables, including quite a few chillis and a good crop of beans (which both went down very well last night with some pasta and goats cheese, and a drop of red) and thinned the herb garden out considerably. 
Then there was also a lot more digging. In fact, Si got so carried away with his digging he managed to put his fork all the way through his wellies, 2 pairs of walking socks and into his toe. I should explain that these are no ordinary wellies. They are police wellies, issued to officers likely to attend murder scenes and are resistant to pretty much everything you may want to murder someone with, including acid. However, they are not Simon-proof. At first, I think we both thought he had gone through his toe. Si shouted and went very white and I mentally started calculating routes to the nearest hospital, and wondering why we never brought first aid equipment down to the plot. Thankfully, it wasn't actually that bad, but there was blood and it should result in a nice bruise. There will be a first aid kit down there from now on, as it turns out, nothing will get in Si's way when there are weeds about.
The rest of the day was fairly uneventful. There was quite a bit of rain about, but we didn't get too wet, and there was a very extensive picnic to be had.
We now need to plan our winter veg and clear the back section. Some Helpful Harry has sprayed weed-killer all over our overgrown area which should make it easier to clear, but they also managed to kill off a good portion of our rhubarb and some lobelia as well. Unfortunately, the next day we are both free and have an available car is likely to be in 2009 and now the nights are drawing in, we are unlikely to be able to give it quite as much attention as it deserves, but we will try. Si is camping this weekend, so I am hoping he will come back full of enthusiasm, having got back to nature. I rather suspect, however, that he will have realised just how cold it is now and will want to hibernate!


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