Thursday, 1 January 2009

New Year

Today we did venture down to the plot. It was mostly frozen, but we managed to have a good old clear up. First stop was the equipment box, which had been a bit neglected with the rush of the end of the harvesting season. We threw away a lot of the bits and pieces that may be blight-infested, as well as a lot of the rubbish (which we had accumulated rather a lot of). It turns out that the frost is quite helpful, as it meant the weeding was a lot easier and all the grass came up in big lumps. The raking was easier too.
We have new plot neighbours, who it turns out are very well prepared. They spent most of the day drilling, hammering and the like (although they had clearly brought an elderly relative out for the day who was less enthused and rather cold, but she ran a good line in the passing of tools to the workers). Our day was a bit marred by the complete busting of zips on our greenhouse, but we have had lots of ideas for rescuing the greenhouse as a whole, so we should be able to sort something. 


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