Short Name | Long Name | Established | Aim(s) | Regulatory Body | Association | UK only
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organisation | 1946 | Create and maintain Standards and Reccomended Procedures (SARPs) for Air Navigation Amplification of the basics of SARPs by creating detailed Procedures for Air Navigation create and maintain Supplementary Procedures (SUPPs) specific to flights in different global areas | YES | NO | NO
ECAC | European Civil Aviation Committee | | to promote the development of a safe, efficient and regualted air transport network in Europe | NO | NO | NO
JAA | Joint Aviation Authorities | 1990 | harmonise regulations in member states Issue Joint Airworthiness Requirements (JARs) to regulate member states | YES | NO | NO
EASA | European Aviation Safety Agency | 2003 | to standardise the following - certification of aircraft, components and systems
- required maintenance qualifications
- licensing of air crew
- safety of ATC
| YES | NO | NO
IATA | International Air Transport Association | 1944 | achieve global recognition for excellence in providing air transport to support the resolution of the problems faced by the industry | NO | YES | NO
IFALPA | International Federation of Air-Line Pilots Associations | 1948 | worldwide representation of professional members support for members | NO | YES | NO
IFATCA | International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers | 1965 | protect and safeguard the profession of air traffic control | NO | YES | NO
CAA | Civil Aviation Authority | 1971 | Maintain safety standards Administer and organise airspace Regulate training of ATCOs and other Aviation Professionals | YES | NO | YES
BALPA | British Air-Line Pilots Association | | protect and improve professional status, pay and conditions of British Air-Line Pilots | NO | YES | YES
GATCO | Guild of Air Traffic Controllers | | to represent military and civil Air Traffic Controllers' professional and technical interests offers professional and legal representation to its members | NO | NO | YES
AOPA | Aircraft Owners and Pilots Associations | | ensure aviation is affordable and correctly priced prevent unneccessary restrictions improve GA | NO | YES | YES